Two faces bitch.stop pretend to be my friend.just walk away from here.
" A thousand times I cried because of you,
a million times these tears were shed because of love "

Sunday, July 3, 2011

feel like missing him again

Dah malam malam nh terase pula nak update belog nye nh.kerinduan semakin melande macam angin taufan yang bertiup dekat lautan pasifik tu.haa hambek kau.Haha hmm muhammad afif bin mahpoz i miss you so much.what happen to you?kenape jadi macam nh balik sayang?hmm mulut je cakap nak pergi dari b.tapi hati sa tak pun.kawan kawan pun cakap sa yang bodoh.tapi sa yakin sangat b macam mane.hmm sa akan tetap tgu b.

sampai bila?